[Salon] Fwd: Presidential hopefuls outdo each other on Hamas, Israel war - Responsible Statecraft

It’s a “free-fire zone” rhetorically on warmongering Neocons and the Biden administration here, and on websites I appreciate. Such as with a recent Ted Galen Carpenter article denouncing both. But not even the sound of crickets in regard to the far more zealous warmongering of the “New Right,” and/or, the "National Conservatives,” of the Trumpites. 

But in the election cycle we’re already in, I would hope a “token” opposition to the New Right of Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy, and their advocates, would be allowed here. And in the vacuum of that here, I hope some opposition to them by me, might be allowed. Especially as their policies stand in opposition to every policy Chas Freeman has ever stood for!

So kudos to Responsible Statecraft for the article at bottom here! A refreshing change from their usual promotion of Trump and Trump endorsed politicians, as I’ve noted in the past. I have unapologetically been a critic of Responsible Statecraft when they’ve lapsed into promoting the ultra-warmongering “Right-wing Peaceniks” of the "Surveillance Industry Complex” oligarch Peter Thiel’s “New Rightists,” as I’ve shared ample evidence of.  That is, those Republicans like Trump, DeSantis, Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley, Chip Roy, Warren Davidson, et al., who, whatever “restraint” position they feign on Ukraine, are out of the hyper pro-torture, pro-war, authoritarian Republican camp, and worse. And more aligned than any group with Bibi Netanyahu, as Trump promised, and proved! Far more than even the Neocons, as Norm Coleman came to recognize in flipping for Trump. 

Yet, they have been presented, to include by RS, going back to Trump’s ascendance to Republican Party “Leader,” depending upon which “faction” of Republicans he was appealing to at a given moment per the Arthur Finkelstein cognitive warfare “Six-Party Theory” of campaigning, as the President who “would end the endless wars.” Or, the President who would restore torture as U.S. policy, and make the US Military the Greatest Ever, to the cheers of the Republican “mainstream.” 

So let me say, at least on this one occasion, kudos to RS for an objective and honest appraisal of the war-mongering Republicans (and the Democrats, though that’s routine) who in spite of mainstream Democrat’s best efforts, far out-strip the Democrats in warmongering, as is apparent on right-wing TV. And always have throughout my lifetime, indisputably. 

But I have a major quibble nevertheless, which is this statement: "Vivek Ramaswamy: He pushes for strong support of Israel and blasts Hamas, but warns of a wider war that could include the U.S. He presented a 6-point plan on X, which included critiques of Haley and Pence for escalatory rhetoric:”

As with China and Russia, and Iran, one needs to parse Ramaswamy’s rhetoric to get past his double-talk, which he duplicitously excels at. Here are some examples of what he “really means,” which I wouldn’t expect non-analytical journalists to understand.

From his 6-point plan, with the most egregious point below, emphasized:
  • Warn the UN of consequences if its historical pattern of drawing false equivalences between Israel and the terrorists who target it.

"Trump, like others, directly blamed the $6 billion — “American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks,” he said in an earlier statement — and argued that, under Biden, the U.S. is perceived as being “weak and ineffective” on the global stage, opening the door to hostility.

“They didn’t have that level of aggression with me. They didn’t have it. This would have never happened with me either,” Trump claimed, adding later in Cedar Rapids that Biden had “betrayed Israel” with the deal.”

Trump tied himself so tight to Netanyahu, as Adelson hoped for and intended, with Trump exceeding all his hopes, that he made the US as much a part of the Israeli Settler Movement as even Yoram Hazony is! And as US National Conservatives have!

But these Israeli Settler worshipping fanatics have been falsely represented as "Right-wing Peaceniks” by their promoters, in an elaborate and sophisticated “Cognitive War Operation” in getting Trump elected under the fallacious claim he would “end the endless wars.” A propaganda meme too often picked up and amplified by the far-right Charles Koch funded Responsible Statecraft in events and articles I’ve shared in the past. With uber Right-wing Hawk Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation incredibly held up as “Ex. A” of a Right-wing Peacenik!

When he, and they, are in fact the most extreme China and Iran War Hawks (with Russia included) in existence! Which the often RS (along with TAC magazine) lauded Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts makes clear here:

BLUF: "In his conversation with Kilmeade, Roberts pointed out how Biden’s weakness toward Russia is only emboldening China and encouraging more aggressive behavior from Beijing down the line:  “China is drawing a competing conclusion, which is that America has not been proactive in Ukraine ... and therefore what will America's response be if China continues to show aggression toward Taiwan?” 

"Roberts also slammed the Biden administration’s push to secure another nuclear appeasement deal with Iran."

And with their latest war mongering provocations:

“America must stand united with our great ally Israel. The first priority is to make sure Israel has everything it needs to neutralize the terrorists and rescue the Israeli civilians who have been taken hostage.


“The Biden administration has to answer for its policy of appeasing Tehran and granting the regime unprecedented revenues through ransom and illicit oil sales—money that is flowing directly to terror attacks on Israel.”

RS in league with extreme Trumpites like Mollie Hemingway and Saurabh Sharma falsely asserted a “Conservative” tradition of “foreign policy restraint,” which belies historical facts, as does the false claim here that Kevin Roberts “flipped the script” of extreme warmongering at Heritage: 

"And D.C., which is the city of false dichotomies, it's been apparent to me for months, that when someone like me says that, even though I'm very much a foreign policy and defense hawk, immediately that means that you must be for a weak Department of Defense. And you and I both know and any reasonable person knows that that's simply not the case. 

"In fact, we're saying that we care so deeply about a strong America, we care so deeply about a strong Department of Defense, and most importantly, we care so deeply about the rank-and-file servicemen and servicewomen that we want to ensure that Congress is doing its job and providing the Pentagon direction on where money should be best spent.”

Exactly, only for “Warfighting!” Against China and Iran first, with Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Palestinians, etc,, all “mopping up operations” thereafter, in their fanatical minds. 

While the headline of this is more truthful, the substance of the article makes clear that this is a very idiosyncratic definition of “restraint,” to say the least:
Quote: "What is relatively novel is that traditionally Cold War warrior/hawkish Republican conservative organizations are dipping a toe into restraint. Case in point: the Heritage Foundation, the seat of Reagan Era “peace through strength” foreign policy. For decades Heritage has been the engine powering GOP politics and policy and has been consistently supportive of bigger defense budgets, American power projection, and U.S. interventions abroad, across the board. (TP-It still is, see their Project 2025.)

"Today, when Heritage president Kevin Roberts talks about current approaches to foreign policy, he is more circumspect. He talks about intervention much in the way that Donald Trump did — and like the national-populist conservative movement in the ex-president's wake does now. Are forever wars serving the American people? He says not.”

No, only wars Heritage Foundation, Trump, and the "New Right” of Israeli Settler Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatives, and his US collaborators, like the aforementioned Republicans, say are “in our interest.” A very broad category! Which this makes clear, with Israel’s interests at the top of the list!

"Roberts described Heritage’s grand strategy for foreign policy as “what we call the third way… which is to say neither interventionism nor isolationism.” The strategy aligns with the populist national conservative movement, which promotes a more isolationist foreign policy coupled with protectionist trade measures. Roberts has described Heritage as part of this movement, with which Vance and Hawley are also aligned.” (Emphasis in original.) 

"Although the prime focus for Heritage and its keynote speakers was on shifting resources toward Taiwan and away from Ukraine, Roberts emphasized that Israel remains a key interest — and another example of why the U.S. needs to conserve the resources being sent to help Kyiv fend off the Russian invasion.

"The Heritage president classified Israel as “near the top of the scale” or potentially “at the very top” of vital U.S. interests because it is among the U.S.’ most “consistent all[ies] in world politics,” “geopolitically important for those of us who appreciate the shared [Judeo-Christian] heritage we have” and because the U.S. and Israel share the same existential enemies.

"While Roberts said that Heritage does support Ukraine, he argued it ultimately isn’t enough of a priority to merit the aid it’s receiving, in comparison to partners such as Israel, the United Kingdom, Taiwan and India.

"Heritage — perennially a major influence in U.S. foreign policy — could be poised to have an even greater sway in shaping the policy of the next Republican administration. It’s coordinating the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, a partnership among dozens of right-leaning organizations that seeks to establish a policy platform and lists of potential staff for any future Republican president.”

Helpfully, the Heritage Foundation names those collaborators in their uber-hawkish designs on the world, far exceeding in extremism the worst of “Neoconservatism” and "Neoliberalism,” as they self-describe as “Illiberal,” and standing against the U.S. Constitution of 1789 and those Enlightenment ideas of “Rights,” as their Israeli Settler Guru Yoram Hazony makes so clear in his book on Conservatism, as against all “rights” obtained in 1789, by us common people, like me, with the ultra-right collaborators of Heritage’s war provoking Project 2025 named here: 

Attachment: The Project 2025 Advisory Board.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Forgive me for speaking against these right-wing fanatics but with their all-out support for obliterating Gaza, and support for the Israeli fascists, and war against China, they are the “existential threat” to the United States, and need to be called out by someone, beyond the “Democrat’s and Neocon’s name-calling of “Isolationists,” when they’re anything but.

So again, kudos to RS for this, and next time please, “parse” Ramaswamy a bit more.

Presidential hopefuls outdo each other on Hamas, Israel war

Candidates across the spectrum urge overwhelming force and blast Biden's weakness. Only one calls for restraint.

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The 2024 presidential candidates are not holding back. Across the board they are issuing strident condemnations of Hamas's brutal attacks against Israel and support for Israel's ensuing war in Gaza.

Nearly all are using the events to blame Biden Administration policies in the Middle East.

Only one, Republican Vivek Ramaswamy, has urged restraint on the part of the U.S., pointing to his colleagues' anti-Iran rhetoric as a possible slide into war for Washington and a broader Middle East conflagration.

Republicans overall offered the most bombastic takes, with Trump proclaiming that his Abraham Accords had brought “peace” to the Middle East before Biden came in and blew it all up.

The accords, which sought U.S. normalization with Arab states, were only signed by Morocco, Bahrain, UAE, and Sudan (whose government was overthrown this year and is in the middle of another civil war) before Trump left office. While “peace” is clearly in the eye of the beholder, these agreements were not only upheld, but the Biden White House has praised and sought doggedly to expand them, reportedly offering Saudi Arabia all sorts of concessions to join.

That the accords left the actual peace process – between Israel-Palestine – off the table, is being blamed in part for the tinderbox that led to last weekend’s attacks.

Beyond that, candidates are demanding reprisals, blaming Iran, and warning of terror attacks in the U.S.

Cornel West, who is running as an independent primary candidate on Biden’s left flank, was the only one to offer a warning against civilian killings on both sides, and lays blame for Hamas’s action at the feet of US-Israeli policies.

Here’s how they all line up:

The 2024 Democrats:

President Biden: “In this moment we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself and respond to this attack. There’s no justification for terrorism. There’s no excuse.”

Marianne Williamson: “Innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the actions of the Israeli government are, even as I write this, either being tortured or killed or are dead already. Children have been taken hostage. A nation is terrorized. (...) And yes, I know. These events did not occur in a vacuum. I could write about — and indeed I have, and at length — the myriad injustices Palestinians have endured at the hands of Israel. (...) I will have much to say in the coming days about what is happening in Israel and how I feel the United States should respond. For now, I stand with Israel. And I stand with the Palestinian people. I do not stand with Hamas, nor will I ever. For their cause is not justice. Their cause is terror.

2024 Republicans

Donald Trump: "The atrocities we are witnessing in Israel would never have happened if I was president." (...) "less than four years ago, we had peace in the Middle East with the historic Abraham Accords. Today we have an all-out war in Israel, and it's going to spread very quickly. What a difference a president makes."


This has become a ubiquitous charge lobbed against the White House by Republicans in the wake of the Hamas attacks. The U.S. had unfrozen $6 billion in Iranian oil profits that were being held by South Korea, in exchange for the release of U.S. hostages last month. The money is currently held by Qatar, which was expected to be doled out for humanitarian needs in Iran. None of that money has left Doha, according to reports.

Gov. Ron DeSantis: Proposed anti-Iran sanctions for the state of Florida on Tuesday, calling the Tehran government a “clearinghouse for terrorist funding in the region.” Meanwhile, he said, "Israel, with the full support of the United States, should kill Hamas members and extinguish their entire infrastructure,"

He also blamed Biden for unfreezing $6 billion for Iran.

Amb. Nikki Haley: Her message to Israel was simple. “Finish them. Hamas did this, you know Iran’s behind this. Finish them.”

"What happened to Israel could happen here in America,” Haley said in a separate interview. “I have been terribly worried about the fact that Iran has said that the easiest way to get into America is through the Southern border … we don’t need to wait for another 9/11.”

Vice President Mike Pence: “Biden should demand the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages in Gaza and direct JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) to be prepared to mobilize US Special Forces with Israeli Defense Forces to get our people home. Hamas gives ‘em up, or we go get ‘em.”

In response to a report that Biden is considering sending a second aircraft carrier, Pence said “Just do it!”

Pence also attacked what he said were “voices of appeasement” in the GOP, including Ramaswamy, Trump, and DeSantis, who have all urgedrestraint and questioned U.S. interests in the Ukraine War. “This is also what happens when you have leaders in the Republican Party signaling retreat on the world stage.”

Sen Tim Scott: “The last thing we need is a Joe Biden wing of the Republican Party on foreign policy,” echoing Pence on the issue of Israel and Hamas.

He also called the attacks “an assault on Western Civilization. The truth is though, Joe Biden funded these attacks on Israel. America’s weakness is blood in the water for bad actors, but this is worse than that. We didn’t just invite this aggression, we paid for it.”

Later, he added, “at least 9 Americans have been killed at the hands of evil Hamas terrorists. It’s time to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel, who has the resources and the power to wipe Hamas off the map.”

Gov. Chris Christie: "What I would be doing is making sure, one, that Israel has everything that it needs to be able to take whatever actions it needs to take.” In this interview, he also criticizes “irresponsible” GOP House members for removing Speaker Kevin McCarthy and paralyzing the House in a time of crisis.

More Christie: “Biden’s appeasement of Israel’s enemies has invited this war against Israel. Appeasement anywhere never works. We must do whatever it takes to support the State of Israel in its time of grave danger, and we must end the scourge of Iran-backed terrorism. This terrorism is funded by Biden’s idiotic release of $6 billion to the Iranians.

“The Hamas war against Israel is now the second war started under Biden’s failed presidency, first by Russia in Ukraine and now by Hamas in Israel. Both could have been deterred by strong American leadership.”

Christie also blamed U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan as signaling weakness.

Vivek Ramaswamy: He pushes for strong support of Israel and blasts Hamas, but warns of a wider war that could include the U.S. He presented a 6-point plan on X, which included critiques of Haley and Pence for escalatory rhetoric:

“These histrionics are unhelpful & unserious. The U.S. should provide Israel with diplomatic support, intelligence-sharing, and necessary munitions to defend its own homeland, while taking special care to avoid a broader regional war in the Middle East that would *not* advance U.S. interests.”

The 2024 independents

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy is unambiguous so that the enemies of Israel will think long and hard before attempting aggression of any kind.

“I applaud the strong statements of support from the Biden White House for Israel in her hour of need. However, the scale of these attacks means it is likely that Israel will need to wage a sustained military campaign to protect its citizens. Statements of support are fine, but we must follow through with unwavering, resolute, and practical action. America must stand by our ally throughout this operation and beyond as it exercises its sovereign right to self-defense.”

Cornel West: In an interview with POLITICO, West said that “Israel and [the] United States are primarily responsible” for the violence that took place near the Gaza strip that has resulted in more than 1,000 deaths and hundreds more in retaliatory strikes. But, he added, “Hamas must take responsibility for killing innocent folk.”

“The United States bears some responsibility, no doubt about that. And I think that Hamas and [Islamic J]ihad bear responsibility for killing innocent people,” he said. “Palestinians have a right to defend themselves in the same way that Israel has a right to defend itself. There’s no doubt about that. But neither has a right to kill innocent people.”

He added that “the state of Israel has been doing that for 75 years.”

Earlier, West said, “I would stop the killing of innocent people — be they Palestinians or Israelis — by calling for an end to the vicious U.S.-supported Israeli occupation. This violent resistance to oppression is the desperate language of an occupied people.”

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